Holy Trinity Parish School Hill does not have set dues for membership. Please prayerfully ask God for guidance and to give as your conscience tells you. Conscience offerings are your response to giving back to God, in thanksgiving, for what He has given and done for you. There is no set due date for giving to the Church. If your family requires a listing of contributions for tax purposes, these offerings are needed to be sent to the parish office by December 31 of the current year, to be recorded for that calendar tax year.
There are several ways to give:
Weekly Envelopes
Once you are registered with the parish, you will receive envelopes with which you can make your weekly contributions. If you have forgotten your envelope, there are envelopes in the pews. Please be sure your name and address are on this envelope.
Automatic Fund Transfers
Just as many people use Automatic Fund Transfer to pay various bills online, Holy Trinity Parish is
now offering this as an option to make your contributions to the church. All that is needed to begin this
program is to fill out this simple, one page form and return it to the parish office.
This form is also available at the Parish Office. If you have any questions or need help filling out the
form, we would be glad to offer any assistance needed.
Legacy Gifts
Thank you to you and your family's consideration of a Legacy Gift to Holy Trinity Parish, School Hill. Contact the Parish Office to review current selection of items or future projects.
Charitable Contributions
Endowments, Estates, Wills, Memorials.
Contact the Parish Office for more information.